Did you know?... The bark of an older redwood tree is fireproof.
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Seemed like a good idea at the time.
Super Looper

Hee hee! The only way this could have been better is if he were wearing cowboy boots, and rode off into the sunset at the end.

Heh. Best tagline for a movie ever, even if it does look really bad.
Slap Fight

The title card to this says, "So they were going to fight in front of Party City". They end up fighting in front of the Atlanta Bread Company. The "ref" wears one of those bucket hats and cargo shorts. At one point, a voice in the crowd says, "finish it, Joey!" When the cops are called, they all get into their Blazers and Grand Cherokees and drive away. That is all you need to know.
Shuckin Corn

What a freaking nightmare of a neighbor.
Racing Accident

Occupational hazard. Of DEATH AND DISMEMBERMENT.

I take back what I said about the Volvos. They picked that kid up BY HIS CUFFED WRISTS. Also, the lady cops are sort of hot which is a sure sign that this video is from SWEDEN, not Germany. Thanks to all of you who have written in to point that out.

Germany can come up with the Gestapo, the Third Reich, and the Final Solution, but their policemen drive VOLVOS? VOLVO STATION WAGONS?
One Handed Rubiks 30sec

It's always so dissapointing to find out that these guys, like, work in a comic book store or a deli and live in the attic in the house where they grew up, instead of figuring out a cure for cancer or how to build a better space shuttle.
Motorcycle Crash Comp

Hooray! Crashes!
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