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Musak Video

Can you imagine these two guys sitting in their apartment, planning out this TOTALLY AWESOME idea they had?
Metal Pron Solid

Lan Experience

What the hell?
Cheney Runs Into Trouble With The Locals

Cheney runs into trouble with the locals.
Fractured Skull

Well if you're going to make a cake, or a funny home-video, you have to break a few eggs... or skulls. I don't even know what the hell I'm talking about.
Big Beeyotch

You think anybody thinks I'm a failure because I go home to Starla at night? FORGET ABOUT IT!
New Orleans

Well, you have to do something to pass the time waiting for the water to go down. May as well beat the hell out of eachother.

Here's a little clip of another first-date I recently had. She never called back either. I don't get it.
Life Is Short

An oldie but a goodie. Life is short.
Cnn So Poor So Black

Wolf Blitzer, "So poor and so black" slipup. I can't believe he actually said that.
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