Did you know?... Marlboro cigarettes sold in New York contain more tar and nicotine than those sold in all other states!
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Jessica Simpson Bounce

Remember that movie, "The Thing?" No? How about, "The Blob"? No? How about, "The Atkins-Weight-Loss-Related Saggy Boobs"?
Idiotic Stunt

Ugh. Aren't they all, really?

I don't know. It's kind of amazing to me that this guy just keeps trying. Hanging on like grim death to an idea that was stupid in the first place is...a virtue, i guess.
Drive By

Ohhhh, man. This is the best - or worst - joke EVER. Heh.

These guys are effin CRAZY.

This is so low-budget, it hurts. Still, with a little more money, this kid would be Michael Moore. Or, a hyper-opinionated, rabidly anti-Administration, myopic version of Michael Moore. Which is to say, Michael Moore.
Chicken Dance

If you value your sanity - and your retinas - you won't click on this.
Brave Fellow

I think the real question is, why do three guys, camping together in the middle of the woods, have a glow-in-the-dark condom with them? And why don't we have condom commercials in the US?
Another Skater Falls

Short and sweet. I don't know why this stuff makes me laugh so hard.

If your breakfast looks anything at all like this then, well, you're probably on acid. Sorry.
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