Did you know?... King George I could not speak English!
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Nigga Please

An oldie but a goodie. Nigga Please.

This made me shoot Pepsi through my nose.
Berkeley Laptop

Remember that old audio file of the Berkeley professor who's laptop was stolen? Well here is the video.
Can Crushing Mamma

You think that's something, you should see her split firewood. Schwiiing!
Cnn So Poor So Black Again

Just in case you missed it the first time. WAAAA HAHAHAHAH!
Robot Bodybuilder

You know, there are those who say bodybuilding is a little bit gay. That's not true. Lifting weights is totally hetero but when you start doing crap like this? Come on, man. Seriously. WTF?
Bottle Shot Off Head

Don't try this at home, kids. But if you do, make sure to send us the video.
Drive Thru Prank

It would have been better if she would have thrown the fry-grease at them. Still hot.
Baby Terrorists

Want to see how suicide bombers are made? You have to start them young.
Scare Me

Well they're trying to imitate "Jackass". Maybe they should have called it "A-Holes" That would have fit better.
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