Did you know?... The city of Houston, Texas is built on a swamp and is slowly sinking!
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Story Of My Life

Like they say... what doesn't kill you.. makes you weaker and weaker until it eventually wears you down to the point that it kills you. That's what they say to me, anyway.
Russian Springer

Uh oh. The Russians have one-upped Jerry Springer with some added Karate! Hiyyyyy yahh!! Probably vodka too.
M60 850 Rounds

If I had one of these.. Oh man. If only.
Creepy Spider Commercial

Ugh. This is really gross. Or sexy. I can't tell.
Bush Drinking Again

Rumors have been circulating that President Bush has been drinking again. I never knew that he stopped.
Bungee Over Crocs

Now THIS is an extreme sport.
Idiot Skinhead Scum

A group of skinheads attacking random, innocnet people. I would love to see one of the people that they're attacking whip out a machine gun and blast them all to pieces. Now that would be entertaining.
Gas Tank Stelle Israel

This must be from an Israeli television show. I can't undserstand a word of it.
Uzbekistan Airlines

Trust the friendly skies.
Osbournes Faked Video

Maybe this is funnier if you've seen The Osbournes. Or are from Scotland. Or are deaf.
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