Did you know?... Females learn to talk earlier, use sentences earlier, and learn to read more quickly than males.
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Men Only Want Sex

Rape victim.
Israeli Border Check

I'm sure he only bought a one way ticket.
Cyril Metamorphosis Trick

I saw this one trick where he made a gerbil disappear. I think Richard Geere was in it too. It was pretty gross.
Adriana Lima

It's really hard to believe that she used to be a man. Really. It's amazing.
Worlds Tallest Man

I hear that he still couldn't dunk. I don't really know why.
More Skate Accidents

It's a wonder kids grow up at all.
Ice Sculpture

Ice cubes anyone?
Hacked Xbox 360

Not to be out done by merely copying the new Xbox 360 discs, the same people have now cracked the game itself to allow those discs to be run. This video shows them running Perfect Dark Zero.

When I die, I want to have one of those video screens embedded in my tombstone and have this on a continuous loop. Seriously.
Stunt Santa

Looks liks Santa has been laying off the milk and cookies and hittig the gym. And the pipe.
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