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Whats A Ho

I think they should have given it to him anyway.
Storm Surfing

Footage of some maniac surfing during a hurricane. Or special effects. I can't tell. Either way, it's pretty crazy.
Snow Plow Reporter

She would have been better off as a war correspondent.
Wrong Bank

Trying to make the best of a bad situation.
Snow Car

Remember that old clip where the kids ripped the bumper off of their friend's car while trying to pull him out of the snow? Well here is the whole thing, from start to finish.
Smart Vs Wall

Smart Car vs a concrete wall. Guess who wins.
Windows Dj

Now this is impressive. Or not. I can't tell.
Ultralight Out Of Gas

When an ultra-light runs out of gas, it quickly becomes ultra heavy.
Fake Nose

Boy, Michael Jackson looks whiter and whiter every day.
The Office David Brent Dance

This is embarrassing even to watch.
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