Did you know?... Australia's Great Barrier Reef is 1,250 miles long!
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Tires Rally Crash

Any more than 4 tires on a rally car only leads to trouble.
Whistler Tip Remix

Whoo Whoooooo! Whistle tip remix.
90 Year Old Standing One Finger

Watch a 90 year old man balance himself on one finger.
Scanner Beethoven Fur Elise

Some guys programmed their scanner to play Beethoven's Fur Elise.
Drunk Redskins Party

Because really. Forget War and poverty and all that other crap. Football is the most important thing in this Redskins fan's life. Or maybe it's the fire-water talking. And screaming.
Are You Hungry

Some jackass throws dead fish and other animals at passing boaters. This is where a flare gun would come in handy.
Durka Durka Man

Durka Durka man dances in his bra and panties. This will make you famous, but only on the Internet. Freak.
A6 Man Sucked Into Engine

A Navy Crewman, working on an A-6 Intruder gets pulled into the number one engine while preparing for aircraft carrier launch. The crewman actually lived. They say his flight helmet blew the engine and his uniform got caught on the anti icing tube.
Cats Watching Tennis

Synchronized bobble-heads.
Spotted Mexican Broken Leg

This is painful even to watch. In more ways than one.
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