Did you know?... The Muppet Show was banned from Saudi Arabian TV becuase one if its stars was a pig.
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Fall Off Ladder

It's like the Home Shopping Network meets America's Funniest Home Videos meets Faces of Death, almost.
Playground Face Plant

This poor fat kid does a pretty serious face-plant off of some playground equipment.
Mini Martial Artist

This guy knows a little Larate.. err, I mean, this little guy knows a little Karate.. ehh forget it.
British Riots

You know, it amazes me that Humans aren't extinct by now. How do we manage to stick around on this planet and be so incredibly stupid, all at the same time?

I'm not going to mention Jennifer's name or anything, but I know a few girls who could use this.
Carmen Electra And Milk

Got Milk? Ok, good. Now do you have some hand lotion and an old sock or something?
Dance Moves

This girl has some moves. I'm not sure what they are exactly, but she is moving.
Cop Forgets Parking Break

How are you going to explain this one to the guys back at the station?
La To Nyc In 4 Minutes

Time lapsed film of a convertible traveling from Los Angeles to New York City.
Sexual Harassment And You

A little lesson on what constitutes sexual harassment at work. I had no idea it was so simple.
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