Did you know?... The United kingdom eats more cans of baked beans than the rest of the world combined.
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Tokyo Ufo

This has got to be fake. There's no way this is real because, if it is, I'm freaking right the eff out.
Brandi Juarez

This is probably one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. You'll regret having watched it, yet you won't be able to look away. Why?
Chain Reaction

Now THIS is cool. Or really dorky. One of those.
Phone Babe

Does anybody know who this girl is? Does anyone have her phone number? And... can anybody teach me how to speak Korean really fast?
Lucky Michael Norman

I don't know if "Lucky" is exactly the word I'd use to describe this guy. In fact, I really can't think of one that fits.
Greek Rave

Remind me never to go to Greece. Or join a frat. Or dance around with another shirtless guy. This is really pretty creepy.
Mac Commercial Spoof

It's an oldie but a goodie. The Mac Commercial Spoof.
Close Call Plane F Me

Ok, Fred. We need to re-shoot that scene. This time we need you to stand on this ladder.
Hamsters Falling Backward

These are the strangest little pets I have ever seen. And I promise not to make a Richard Geere joke. Honest.
Disco Motorbike Man

Dancing his way to safety, it's the Disco Motor Bike Man.
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