Did you know?... Over 10,000 birds a year die from smashing into windows!
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Japanese Subway

Alright. Who farted?
Half Head

This guy still has more brains than half the people who work here.
Japanese Wake Up Show

Sadistic, sick, twisted people make the best television. And sushi.
Rollerblader Jumps Down Two Flights Of Stairs

Imagine if he would have missed this. There would have been a red skidmark all the way down the sidewalk.
World Cup Goals

World Cup goals, and some others.
Base Jumping Accident

Note to self: Never, ever ever basejump. Ever.
Lions Vs Hyenas

Some incredible footage of lions and Hyenas fighting.
Fat Lady Beat Down

Unable to take the abuse lightly. Get it? Unable to take it ligh.. oh, nevermind.
Maggot In Her Head

You know, I've been wondering what all these undulating lumps on my head are. Maybe I have...
Lebron James Making Full Court Shots

Well, why can't he do this in a game?
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