Did you know?... Onions have no flavor, only a smell.
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There are so many 'eatin aint cheatin' jokes here, it's too hard to pick one.

Glen and Roy's big Eye Of The Tiger night. Pretty weird.
World Cup Volleyball

Volleyball, soccer style.
I Hate My Friends

You know a guys is really passed out when you can do this and he doesn't wake up.
Pole Vault Break

Time to either lose some weight, or get a stronger pole.

This is brilliant. This guy really has a way with the ladies.
Lawn Bowling

Game over.
Michael Jacksons 45 Lean

The Michael Jackson 45 degree lean. explained.
Wonder Woman Massive Moose Knuckle

Behold! The power of cheese.
Female Bodybuilder

This is pretty scary, and sexy and... I'm so confused.
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