Did you know?... It's illegal to own a red car in Shanghai, China.
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All The Things She Said

Well! That's not...disturbing and weird, or anything.
Guy Crashes New Motorcycle

I dare you to guess what happens in this one.
Super Mario Galaxy

Wait...is this a real game? Because clearly, we have no problem ruining it for you.
Bodyboard Down Stairs

Heh. This seems like a good idea. Definitely.
Motorcycle Double Crash

Whee! Bikes go boom!
Baseball Fight

I watched this live. It was awesome.
Awesome Shot Between The Legs

aannnnndddddd GOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAALLLLL! Or is that the wrong sport?
Faith The Two Legged Dog

But why didn't they name her "Grace"?
Ghetto Bungee Jumping

Now I really want to see ghetto skydiving.
Alka Seltzer Spicy Meatball

Now that's a spicy meat-a ball!
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