Did you know?... Contrary to popular belief, London Broil is not a cut of beef but rather a method of cooking.
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Dj Spins It

Waka waka waka!
96 Camaro Burnout

...except, you know, it's a CAMARO.

Sure, it's cute. Until you learn that, in Japanese, Miyuki means, 'sheep rapist'

I'm going to take a wild guess and say that this wasn't his first offence.
People Do Stupid Things

Oh, it's so funny when people almost die, isn't it? Almost.
Killed For A Coat

I mean, I could understand if it was a pair of Air Jordans or something but let's be honest, that guy is going to look pretty silly wearing a fur coat.
Faces Of Meth

Note to self: Don't do meth.
Another Crazy Clips Compilation

Yet another crazy clips compilation.
Lasionman The Show

One day, this man will be President of the United States. You wait and see.
Take Off Car Crash

Ready!? Set!? CRASH!
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