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Granny Lumpkin

Good God, what if at the end of this she still wanted one? Is there such a thing as elderly people abuse, because I think this qualifies.
Motorcycle Vs Wall

Motorcycle vs wall. Wall wins.
Xiquets De Banyoles Manowar Black Wind Fire And Steel

A lot of people don't know this, but when Manowar practices, they do it at home ...with no shirts on ...video taping it ...then they send the tape to us.
What Is Love

Live footage of the US Senate, voting on the Same Sex Marriage Ban.
Rocket Skateboard

Some guy straps a rocket to his skateboard and rides it. What I want to know is, how do you make a rocket like that?
M16 A4 Bulletproof Glass

M16 A4 vs bullet proof glass. I think the M16 wins.
High Speed Guitars And Drums

Top Secret band performing at high speed.
Gymnastics Bloopers

Possibly the best gymnastics bloopers compilation ever made.
Guy Eats Catfood

I don't know what they're saying, but this video still makes me laugh.
Flintstones Theme

Some guy plays the theme to the Flintsones using only his hands.
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