Did you know?... A dragonfly has a lifespan of 24 hours.
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Buzz Aldrin Punches A Guy In The Face

An oldie but a goodie. Buzz Aldrin punches a reporter in the face.

Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art developed in the 1500s by African slaves. Capoeira is dance-like, and many believe it was developed this way to be disguised as a dance to the slave owners.
Photographer Gets Hit By A Racecar

Now THAT's going to leave a mark. Note to self: don't stand around on a racetrack.
Proof Of God Via Banana

My penis must also prove the existence of God. And is that Kirk Cameron?
Rally Car Explodes

We've seen a lot of rally car crash clips, but not one where the car just explodes.
Soccer Tackle

This guy got his sports mixed up. He thinks it's a rugby match. Besides that, he looks like a big fat slob that should be sitting at a bar WATCHING soccer, not playing. Is this guy really a professional athlete?
Solar Powered Plane

An airplane that runs on solar energy.
Baby With Three Arms

Do you think the doctors will remove it? Because, unless there is some health risk, it seems like a definite advantage to have an extra arm.
Randy Johnson Hits Bird

An oldie but a goodie. Randy Johnson destroys a bird with a fastball.
Lunch Room Slip Remix

There's always a remix. This time, The Lunchroom Slip.
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