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His Pet Reall Loves Him

Get rid of his fleas and you dog will love you. He will love you long time.
Atv Crash

Some guy jumps his ATV right on to his friend's head.
Apache Gattling Gun

A compilation of clips of the Apache Gatling Gun. Or... Bored because they haven't had a good story in months, local news chopper pilot goes completely apeshit. Film at 11.
Plane Tail Falls Off

A pilot lands his plane so hard that the tail literally falls off.
Cameraman Gets Into Bikers Way

Video of one of Lance Armstrong's hired henchmen, caught fixing the Tour De France. Some claim the man is actually Sheryl Crow's brother.
Drifting Kung Fu Fighting Video

This drifting thing is becoming very popular. They're even coming out with a movie called Tokyo Drift.
Forehead Can Smash Remix

If at first you don't succeed...
Fat Kid Getting Paintballed In A River

Another oldie but a goodie. That fat kid that looks like a young John Goodman getting shot with paintball guns while standing on a rock in the middle of a river.
Lots Of Headspins

Video of a guy trying to drill into the Earth using his head.
Crazy Basketball Shots

Some of these shots look impossible but somehow they make them.
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