Did you know?... During your lifetime, you'll eat about 60,000 pounds of food, that's the weight of about 6 elephants.
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Ping Pong Paradise 1

The beer pong experts show you some of their skills.
Forgets The Words To National Anthem

Is this the new Spanish language version of the Star Spangled Banner, or is this guy just retarded?
Baseball To The Head

A home run goes all the way out of the park and hits a guy on the head.
Motorcycle Mugger

A guy on a motorcycle rides past a woman and grabs her purse.
Coke Funnel Choke

What did he think would happen if he tried to funnel coke?
Extreme Hill Climbing

Taking hill climbing one step further.
6 Beers In 10 Seconds

With this on his resume, how can he possibly not succeed in life?
Drunk Techno Fan

THIS is what a successful Memorial Day cookout looks like.
First Year Of Wow

What does a true World Of Warcraft fan do when his internet connection is down? He makes World Of Warcraft videos, of course.
Dirt Bike Hits Tree

Note to self: If ever falling off of a motorcycle, let go of gas.
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