Did you know?... In England, in the 1880's, 'Pants' was considered a dirty word.
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Remote Control Plane Crash

Two remote control airplanes collide in midair.
Rescue Boat Accident

Remember that scene from the movie Jaws when Brody said, "You're gonna need a bigger boat." They're gonna need a bigger boat.
Kosovo Music Video

Some British soldiers in Kosovo with way too much time on their hands.
Fireworks Leg Prank

A guy ties firecrackers to his friend's leg while he's sleeping and then lights them.
Sunrise Talk Show Shocker

Not the nicest way to break up, but certainly effective.
Drunk Guy

I don't believe this for a second. I say the guy is sober. It's all those drunk kids that make this funny.
Airplane Almost Crashes

If it looked this bad from the outside, imagine what it must have felt like inside the plane.
Time Goes By Video

Well, this will certainly be one of the creepiest things you'll see all day.
Goalie Scores Goal

A goalie kicks the ball all the way from one goal to the other.
Dave Bachinsky Kcikflips Down El Toro

At around 2pm Pacific standard time, Saturday, February 4, 2006, Hubba FLow rider Dave Bachinsky kickflipped El Toro. El Toro is a flight of stairs, not a bull. I thought I was going to see a bull too. No bull.
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