Did you know?... A rainbow can only be seen in the morning or late afternoon.
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Crazy Weatherman Compilation

A compilation of crazy weatherman Mark Mathis
Packing Some Heat

A demonstration of just how many weapons can be hidden in baggy clothing. Where did that shotgun come from!?
Land Diving Bungee Jumping With Vines

Land Divers of Pentecost Island dive from towers with a vine attached to an ankle. When done correctly, the divers head will just touch the freshly dug ground below.
Dog Attacks Toilet

I don't even want to know what they used to train this dog to do this. This has the potential to be really gross.
F1 Crash

A horrific crash during the warmup session for the Toyota 300 Formula 1 race. Ed Carpenter lost control of his race car and was struck broad side by rookie driver Paul Dana at nearly 200 mph.
Rollerblader Lands On His Head

A guy on rollerblades tries a backflip over a ramp and... you guessed it.
Spanish Strip Show

Morning talk shows in Spain... way better than morning talk shows in the US. You wouldn't want to see Regis do this, would you? I didn't think so.
Best Fight Scene Ever

And you thought corny lines like, "I'll be back" and "Asta la vista, baby" were bad? Wow. Just wow.
Losing You Losing You

Limo driver and aspiring musician Jan Terri perfoms her spectacularly horrible, Losing You Losing You.
Back Flip Faceplant

A kid tries to do a backflip into a pool and... well, would we be posting it if he actually made it?
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