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Magic Sand

You pour it in water and it acts like clay, then you take it out and it is instantly a dry powder again. I still have a bottle of this stuff from when I was a kid. I was scared to open it because I always thought it was a way for them to dispose of old nuclear waste.

Finnish band, Lordi with a weak attempt at immitating what they did in America 15 years ago. It was called GWAR.
Hoopz Latina Dimes

Featuring model/actress Nikki who is better known as Hoopz from VH1's Flavor of Love.
Czech Health Minister Fight

Czech health minister gets slapped at press conference.
Bomb Iran

Let's Bomb Iran, to the tune of The Beach Boys, Barbaranne.
Alkali Metals

Alkali metal + water --> Alkali metal hydroxide + hydrogen = KABOOM!
Girls Of E3

All the hot girls at E3 2006.
Horse Falls Off Stage

A horse falls off the stage at a Peruvian fashion show. Mayhem ensues.
Kids Throw Grenades At Soldiers

Video of children throwing grenades at passing troops.
Remote Control F14

This is the coolest toy ever! A working scale model of an F-14 fighter jet, complete with working jet engines!
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