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Furniture Guy

Vinnie "T" Testeroni falls off a stack of mattresses and on to the ground while filming a commercial for The Furniture Guy.
Floating Touchscreen By Heliodisplay

Heliodisplay Mid-Air Video Display by IO2 Technology.
Marijuana Muffins

What kind of sick person does this? What kind of monster? What kind of twisted, depraved maniac actually GIVES AWAY his marijuana? Total psycho.
Giant Wave

Brad Gerlach tows Mike Parsons onto a giant wave at the International Tow Surfer's Competition on Maui Hawaii.
Beatbox Effex

An oldie but a goodie. Beatbox Effex Tampa Fl 2003.
Japanese Laughing Show

Another Japanese laughing show. I have absolutely no idea what they're saying and it still makes me laugh.
Jackie Guerrido Weather

Google the name, "Marty Bass" and see what I get to look at. Lucky bastards.
Traffic Rap

Jenny the traffic girl at WXII in Winston Salem raps her traffic report.
Fat Kid Crashes Bike

The bigger they are, the harder they fall and, sadly, the harder we all laugh.
Hill Climbing

A guy in a 4x4 almost rolls all the way back down during a hill climb.
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