Did you know?... A Koala Bear sleeps 22 hours of every day.
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Autistic Basketball 20 Points

This is truly amazing. It's not because the kid is autistic, it's more because he's white.
A George W Bush Iraqi Update

And now, a special report. Here's the latest Iraqi Update from George W. Bush.
Bull Gets Taken Down By A Taser

Hey, do you want to know how to REALLY piss off a bull?
Guy Yelling At His Cats

Just some guy. Yelling at his cats. Looks like someone is off their meds.
Tornado Kick To The Face

Take a look at what I'm wearing, people. You think anybody wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I'm wearing these bad boys? Forget about it.
Call On Me French

Here's a video with a bunch of hot girls, and one guy that, in all reality, should be scaring the hell out of them.
Creepy Motor Training

I don't know what kind of a race they're training for, but I don't want to have any part of it.
British Eminem

This is embarassing even to watch.
Hamster Flips Off Wheel

Can you train them to do this? This is funny.
Mountain Bike Crash Outside Work

We received this video with the following email, "hi im have been following your site for the past few years and i love it so i figured that i would contribute myself. this is a clip of my outside of my work eating sh*t"
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