Did you know?... The longest cave in the world is the 'Mammoth Cave System' in the USA at 560,000 mtrs deep!
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Slip N Slide

This is why your mother told you to look both ways before you crossed the street.
Tarzan Movie

This looks like a lot of fun. Unless there are rocks hidden in the water. Then it looks like a video someone will watch over and over again to remind themselves how they ended up in a wheelchair.
Cat Tape

Oh, those whacky Japanese. What will they think of next? Torturing animals is so hilarious! I know, let's try FIRE instead of tape! Yayy!
Fireworks War 3

There is supposed to be a 25 minute, TV quality DVD of all this too, which we're going to try to get a copy of. You can see Owen again in this clip with the banged up eye. It looks like he is wearing makeup but it's actually the result of a roman candle.
Fireworks War 2

I don't care how dangerous it is, this looks like it was a lot of fun. Owen says they spent over 100 dollars on roman candles alone. You can see Owen in this clip. He's the one shooting his friend with a roman candle at point blank range over some bushes.
Fireworks War 1

Owen sent these next three in. He and his friends spent over 500 dollars on fireworks and had an all out war with roman candles!
American Values

Well, this about sums it up.
Rubber Sniffer

Hey! Want to see a guy suck a condom up his nose and then pull it out of his mouth? Sure you do!
Jessica Alba Into The Blue Bikini

Jessica Alba is maybe the hottest girl I can think of. Honest. And I'd be honored if, one day, she takes out a restraining order against me.
Vbied Abu Ghraib 4 April 2005

Flores, Swindle, and Griffin send this one to us with the following description: "We were about to roll out the gate of Abu Ghraib prison at the front end of a convoy when a suicide car bomber blew up his car right outside the gate on 4 April 2005. We drove through the wreckage a couple of hours later. Crew was SSG Scott Swindle, US Army; SPC Jonathan Flores, US Army; and Senior Airman Don Griffin, USAF."
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