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Firework Explodes In Face

Note to self. Don't hold lit fireworks up to my face to see if they're still lit. Idiot.
Name The Bomb

Thanks to 'Burn' for this one. We're not running any kind of a contest with this, so please don't write in to let us know what the actual weapons are. It's just interesting to see it all.
Reporter Gets Bombed

An F-16 drops a bomb on the wrong target in Iraq.
Snowboarder Crashes Into Cameraman

Is it just a coincidence that this event is sponsored by Jim Beam?
Jakes Movie

Why is this funny to me? I don't think it has anything at all to do with sniffing glue all morning long, but you never know.
Anakin Vs Luke

Speaking of drunk. And single... and lonely, and working hard to be ostracized from normal, heterosexual society...
Drunk Driving 3

Ok, we get it already. Drinking and driving can lead to accidents. But I'm telling you; I drive a LOT better when I'm drunk. Otherwise I'm shaking too much to control the car.
Pete The Porno Puppet

Want to see what happens when a former pornographer has a nervous breakdown and then tries to get his head back together? Does this look familiar to any of you?
The Smile

Well, this is maybe one of the creepiest things I've ever seen. What this hell is going on here?
Christmas Island Red Crabs

I wonder what the whole island must smell like after this is all over, and there are millions of them rotting in the streets. I also wonder if they taste good. Strange.
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