Did you know?... Large kangaroos can cover more than 30 feet with each jump!
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Time Goes By

Well, if this doesn't give you nightmares I don't know what will.
Sitting Soccer Juggle

Check out these soccer juggling skills.
Octopus Eats Shark

I'm convinced these things are from outer space. There's another video around here somewhere that shows one changing colors just like the creature in Predator.
Little Michael Jackson

I didn't think there was any way Michael Jackson could be creepier. I didn't consider the midget factor.
Dizzy Japanese Bowling

More crazy Japanese game shows. This time, women dressed as school-girls make themselves dizzy by spinning around in circles. THEN THEY BOWL! I'm telling you, this stuff is pure genius.
Jackie Guerrido Tight Shirt

Jackie Guerrido will be the only reason I'll know what the weather is going to be like... as soon as I learn Spanish.
Runs Into Wall

Hey! Want to see some guy run full speed into a brick wall? Sure you do!
Robbery Shootout

In a foiled robbery attempt, the clerk shots at the robber but nearly hits a woman and her baby.
Asian Shocker

Shocking video of Asian nuts. Or, video of some Asian, shocking his nuts. Either way you'd be right.
Karaoke Girls Fall Off Stage

I don't think this was part of the act, but it made it a lot funnier.
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