Did you know?... Charlie Brown's father was a barber.
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Barbie Boy

What do you think the chances are that this guy will get many dates after this has been shown all over the Internet? On second thought, maybe it will help.
Parking Lot Bike Face Plant

When are you kids going to learn to put your front wheels on tighter? Oh, and to wear a helmet. ...and stop drinking lead paint.
Treadmill Sweet Jumps

Quick! Somebody patent this thing so they can sell it on late night infomercials!
Trash Can Jump

How could he have thought this was a good idea?
Two More Rally Crashes

It almost looks like that hill is there for added effect. Whatever, it makes for a spectacular crash.
James Brown Interview

Livin in America! This is great.
Face Slam

Want to see a kid get kicked in the face at the Warped Tour? Who wouldn't?

You know you're the low man on the totem pole when people can do this to you.
M16 Karaoke

I don't know what's more frightening, the insurgency, or this guy's singing.
Broken Bike Jump

Note to self. Make sure the wheels are on tight.
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