Did you know?... When you walk down a steep hill, the pressure on your knees is equal to three times your body weight.
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Croc Vs Tiger

Do you want to know who would win in a fight between a Crocodile and a Tiger?
Downhill Mountain Bike Accident

A guy crashing is mountain bike doesn't seem like it would look all that spectacular. That is, until you find out he was going 172 Kmh when he crashed!
Tony Royster Junior

Watch this kid play the drums!
Sock Wrestling

I guess the object is to take your opponents socks. This game stinks. Har har har.
They Call Me Bruce

They call him Bruce. But not THAT bruce.

Well, that's all the convincing I needed. I'm getting a Jeep! And IMPLANTS!
Japanese Television Lizards Meathead

If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times. Take any one of these Japanese television shows, put subtitles over it and broadcast it here in the U.S. People will love it. If you do it, they will come.
Jackie Guerrido Short Skirt

I watched this for almost a minute before I realized she was speaking Spanish.
How To Mess With Coke Machines

Coke is going to love me posting this one.
Cat On Ice

Watch as a cat tries to catch fish that he sees through the ice on a frozen pond.
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