Did you know?... Your heart rate can rise as much as 30% during a yawn.
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Drunken Animals

I wonder if they remember and then do it on purpose the next year.

Now THIS is messed up.
Appeal For The Dead

With your help, we can overcome this terrible affliction. But probably not.
Back Yard Wrestling

At some point, you would almost rather your kid did drugs.
Just Want You To Know Mv

More insane, Asian lip synching.
Tempest In A Teacup

Umm. Yeah, I don't know if I would drink this. It looks a little.. posessed.
Message For Connor

Run away Connor. RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!
The Ultimate Wingman

Because really. What are friends for?
Maradona Dancing

Wow, I had no idea he was so multi-talented.
Gay Astronauts

Love can't breathe in space, but it can hold it's breath.
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