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Web Cam Tricks

I had no idea you could do so many crazy things with a web-cam.
Drunk Questioning

Thanks to some good old fashioned police work it was soon discovered that this woman was actually drunk. It's hard to tell in the video, but trust me. She's loaded.
Kids Crazy Over Nintendo

Two kids go completely apeshit after they get a Nintendo 64 for Christmas. Strangely, Ritalin was introduced 29 years earlier, in 1957.
Rodeo Rag Doll

Another note to self: Never ride a bull. Particularly not in Mexico.
Fake Glass Door

Some guys set up a hidden camera and a door with no glass in it. Hilarity ensues.
Korean Girls Gone Wild

I have absolutely no idea what this is, but it makes me laugh.
Bungee Breaks Over Bridge

Note to self. Never, ever bungee jump.
Pimp Star

Hmm.. let's see. Baby formula or new rims that light up? Tough choice.
Scott Stapp Drunk Poker Dumbass

Creed's Scott Stapp, drunk and playing poker in a documentary called, Behind The Douchebag.
Dizzy Cat

Because really. At the end of the day, what's more fun than torturing your pet, right? I think there might be laws against this kind of thing. At least there should be.
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