Did you know?... A man gets robbed in London every 4.5 minutes! (and he is getting fed up of it)
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Crack Kills

Crack is whack, kids. Just say no.
Lifelike Japanese Robot

Would you like a sneak peek at the future of sex toys? Well, what else do you think they're going to use it for?
Roman Candle Duel

Two guys decide to have a roman candle battle and one of them gets shot right in the head. Nice slow-mo version of it too at the end.
Tram Tag

Some how the back end of this train gets kicked off the tracks and it slams into a huge group of people.
Siskel And Ebert

I wonder if he would have been nicer to him if he knew he was going to die. Probably not, the jerk.
The Yes Man

The worst job on the planet. You have to watch it to the end to get the joke.
Wrestling Psycho

God, this is embarrassing even to watch.
Full Metal Classroom

If you've see the movie, Full Metal Jacket, this will be hysterical to you. If not, it will still be pretty funny.
Skier Falls Into Crevasse

Talk about scary. This guy would have died for sure.
Moose Stuck In Car

And you thought bugs on your windshield was bad.
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