Did you know?... When pitched, the average Major League baseball rotates 15 times before being hit.
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Belly Flop

It's Friday! Let it all hang out.
News Reader Bloopers

Hey! Want to see what somebody's last day at work looks like?
Balloon Man Dancing

Alright man. Quit it. You're freaking me out.
Bye Bye Insurgents

A three on three basketball game comes to an abrupt end. Not really.
Jean Luc Picard Dancing

My new word for the day is, Cognitive Dissonance, or is that two words? Either way, this is weird.
Muslim Rave Party Sensation

Does anybody know what's going on here?
Tiger Woods Is Awesome

The Master's Tournament started this week? Is golf considered a sport? It's like the whole, 'a tomoato is a fruit' thing. I don't get it.

An ols school McDonald's commercial with Mayor McCheese, the Hamburgler and even the Fry Guys.

Behind The Music That Sucks 2006 - Britney Spears Baby
Indians Get Down

Insert your own 'Indians dancing' joke here. I got nothing.
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