Did you know?... Goldfish remember better in cold water than warm water.
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Shaved Head While Passed Out

With friends like these, who needs... hair?
Deer Attacks Hunter

NOW you can call it a sport.
Suck In Your Gut

Nice try.
Poodle Fitness

She's got another video that involves a 'pooper scooper' too. We can't show that one here.
Whoops Compilation

Tons of funny accidents and spills, all in one video.
Card Tricks With The King

Great, now that creepy King is going to take all your money at cards too.
Get Firefox

Firefox. Makes all other browsers look sorta retarded.
Car Runs Over Bicycle Helmet

This doesn't make me feel any safer.
Napoleon Dynamite Dance Dance

Want to see some really creepy looking guy's version of the Napoleon Dynamite dance? I know, me either but here it is anyway.
Worst Karaoke Ever

Behold! The worst karaoke, EVER!
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