Did you know?... During his lifetime, artist Vincent Van Gogh only sold one of his paintings.
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Arm Breaks During A Wrestling Match

Here is yet another reason why it's not a good idea for two men to roll around on the floor together wearing tights.
Self Smarter

He seems like a nice enough guy. A nice enough guy who would also eat your liver.
Hockey Player Breaks Glass

A hockey player gets checked so hard that he smashes through the glass.
Upside Down Lip Synch Turn Around

Two guys lip synching "total eclips of the heart". Upside down.
Ufo Footage From A Satellite

This is supposedly footage of several UFOs taken from a satellite that is orbiting the Earth. Pretty freaky if it's real.
Sonic Grenade Basic Pro

The hangover's worst nightmare.
Crutch Tops

Show them how much you really care, with Jeffery's Crutch Tops.
Fight With A Mentally Challenged Kid

If you look up 'not cool' in the dictionary, right next to the picture of me is this guy. Not the kid playing the video game, I'm talking about Limp Bisquit with all the crap stuck in his face.
The Coolest Dog Ever Lol

This is old, but I just can't get enough of seeing a skateboarding dog.
C4 Boomarang

A cameraman gets nailed with a piece of debris after a small shed is blown up with an envelope full of C4. Well, if I'd have known it was going to be THAT kind of a party...
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