Did you know?... Until President Kennedy was killed, it wasn't a federal crime to assassinate the President.
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Jackebrown Salsa Strip

JackEBrown is back. This time, doing the Salsa Strip. Why is this guy not more famous than he already is?
George Bush Imagine The Video

Clips of George Bush spliced together to the John Lennon song, Imagine.
Wrestler Breaks His Back

Yet another example of why guys shouldn't roll around on the ground with other guys. Ouch. I hope this guy is ok.
The Can Crushing Unicycle

X-Treme Recycling.
Soldier Faints

A soldier passes out during a ceremony. It must be pretty hot over there.
Party Boy

The Party Boy strikes again.
Asian Slim Shady

Slim Shady meets Michael Jackson meets a bunch of University of Texas students meets WalMart meets insanity.
Fat Guy Trying To Break A Bottle Over His Head

It's obvious he has a hard head. It's just not quite hard enough.
Freestyle Football Tricks

Zare and Deki show you some of their amazing freestyle soccer skills. If you can make it through the intro, this is really cool.
The Evolution Of Dancing

The Evolution Of Dance, by Inspirational Comedian Jason Laipply.
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