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Shark Jumps Out Of The Water

Amazing footage of a great white shark completely leaving the water as he attacks a seal.
Giant Simon Says

And it STILL gets boring after only 5 minutes.
How To Make A Smoke Bomb

Don't try this at home, kids. Try it at a friend's house instead.
Operation Phantom Fury

This operation was initially named Phantom Fury by DoD. It was later renamed Operation al-Fajr (Arabic for Dawn) by the Iraqi Defence Minister. An estimated 10,000-15,000 American troops launched Operation Phantom Fury in Fallujah on November 8, 2004.
Super Fast Gun

I know I keep saying this but, forget those other two things. THIS is what I want to mount to the roof of my car during rush hour. And I have to think it would be all that much more satisfying if I actually had to drive during rush hour but I still think it would be pretty cool.
Mario Live

The entire first level of Super Mario Brothers acted out by a live actor.
Woman Hits The Person Next To Her In Court

The sister of a murder victim goes crazy in court and beats up the person next to her.
Fight Clips

Here's another compilation of idiots, beating the hell out of eachother.
Beer Girl Eva

Eva would appreciate it if we would not put this on the Internet.
Breaks His Arm Break Dancing

There's a reason it's called 'break' dancing.
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