Did you know?... Scientists are now able to grow 'beating' heart tissue in a lab!
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Rube Goldberg Machines

Here is a compilation of various Rube Goldberg type machnes. I think this stuff is fascinating.
Man Falls Down An Escalator

My shoe!
Guy Yelling At A Cop

If there was ever a good reason to use the Taser, this is it.
The Last Coke

Coke is addictive. Everybody knows that.
Horrible Asian Singer

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The ears, however, tell a completely different story.
Subway Dare

Do you think she did it?
Eating Dog

How much is that doggie in the window (per pound)? This is pretty gross.
Take Your Thong Rugby Song

These guys take rugby very seriously. In the process, they make it really hard for anybody else to.
Umberger Gets Checked

RJ Umberger gets checked so hard he is preactically knocked unconscious.
California Love Home Video

The California bureau of tourism's new video. I think they need a bigger budget to work with.
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