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Winter Accidents

Thank God that stuff is finally over with.
Awesome Basketball Tricks

A couple guys performing some amazing basketball shots.
Skydiver Chases Shoe

A skydiver loses a shoe and decides to chase after it.
Tough Girls

These girls will kick your ass.. and you'll love every minute of it.
Smart Cat Opens Door

Now if we can just train him to crack a safe, we'll be rich.
New Movie Posters

I'd pay to see any one of these movies.
Magic Wine Bottle

This is a cool trick, but only after you've had sveral bottles of your own. Sober, it's not all that impressive.
Guy Gets Kicked In The Face In Taekwondo

What might be more impressive than his skills as a martial artist is his ability to take a shot like this to the face and then get back up. I'd be in a coma after something like that.
Drifting Accident

While the legitimacy of Drifting as a sport remains subjective, the dangers of it are very clear.
Dodge Viper Vs Suzuki Hayabusa

A supercharged Dodge Viper vs a Suzuki Hayabusa in a series of races.
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