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Orleans 64 Year Old Beatdow

Police beating up that old man again. Another clip of the same thing but just the raw footage.
Orleans 64 Year Old Beatd01

Police beat the crap out of some old man in New Orleans.
Mass Hyptnotize Session

He sounds like Ben Stein, with a lisp. It'd be enough to send me into hypnosis. Or a murderous rage, one of the two.
Kenpo Karate Stick Timing

It's like Karate, but you can dance to it!
Funny Ipod Commercial

I'd buy it. Think diffrent.
Expecting Twins

I have a feeling that things are only going to get worse as time goes on.

This is a tape of a lecture on the use of perspective by Giotto in the early Rennaissance...just kidding, it's CRASHES! WHOOOOOO!
Hot To Smoke Dummy

Idiots. Just...idiots.
Izzy Baseball Fight Kick

Baseball...it's all-American! What a great game.
Pizza Guy Car Accident

I don't know...pedestrians getting hit by cars always looks so fake, what wit the dummy flying and limbs flailing and the suddenness of it. Even if it's real.
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