Did you know?... In England, in the 1880's, 'Pants' was considered a dirty word.
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Toyota Bait

Do you think this is going to help Toyota's sales or hurt them? Next time I see one I'll be watching out for sea-monsters.
Socom Iii Nuts

You know you're a dork when... you go this crasy over the release of Socom 3?
Please Die

Man. Listen to me. You are white. Do you understand? Ok? Stop it. Please. I'm begging you.
New Crashes Compilation

New rally car crash compilation.
The Crying Game

Children are the ultimate negotiators.
Ring My Bell

Here is a clip from a Japanese game show where the contestants have to "buzz in" by ringing a bell. Sounds pretty normal unitl you see how they have to do it.
Time To Move Out

You know it's time to move out when...
Lsd Riders

Jackass style stunts taken to the extreme. Why do I think this video will be labeled, "Evidence" one day?
How To Get Pop Free

How to get a free soda pop from a Coke or Pepsi machine. When I was a kid my mother told me that there were sharp blades installed in the machines so that if I tried this, I'd lose an arm.
Freeze Burns

Some kids try to freeze holes in their arms with a can of compressed air.
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