Did you know?... Spotted skunks do handstands before they spray.
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Pepper Spray Training

Pepper spray combat training or... just good clean fun? You decide.
Rabbi Wig Out

I'm not sure what's going on here, but it sure is a catchy tune. Unfortunately now it's stuck in my head. Hey! Maybe that's what is wrong with the guy in the video.

A Titanic of a love song from a Titanic of a man.
Rock Head

The Rock hits himself in the head with a chair.
93 Spins

Watch this kid spin on his head... 93 TIMES!
Hot Chicks

Ridiculously hot women. *wipes slobber from chin*
Fight Recap

A psychological analysis of a schoolyard fight.
Asian Game Show

Why don't they put Japanses game shows on in the United States? They would be a huge hit.
Car Bomb

This car is da' bomb. Literally.
Dolphin Boat

A speed boat that's shaped like a dolphin.
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