Did you know?... 10 percent of the Russian government's income comes from the sale of vodka.
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Football Hijack 2

...Then he gets nailed by stadium security.
Football Hijack 1

Some idiot runs onto the field during a football game and takes the ball.
Soccer Goalie Misses Easy

He's going to have a hard time explaining this one.
Cop Smash

Another video of a poice officer narrowly escaping death as his patrol car gets smashed by a passing car.
Power Soccer Goals

Some amazing soccer goals.
Newsanchor Slip

Another news anchor slip up.
Beach Boobies

How is this girl's bikini top staying on?
250 Pound Dumbells

Gahh!! Watch this monster lift 250 Pound dumbells.
Karate Kid

Should have used his head.

I can do it.. I can do it! I CAN DOO IT!!!! ... nope. Can't do it.
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