Did you know?... No one knows how many people died during the sinking of the Titanic.
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Catch Phrase

What the hell is this thing doing?!
Paris Hilton Bentley Crash

Paris Hilton's boyfriend crashes their Bentley while drunk and being chased by the paparazzi.
Johnny Misses

Johnny Nalgas falls flat on his ass. (Nalgas means ass in Spanish)

Like people need more ideas for dumb ways to get high. 20 bucks says somebody tries this.

Another complete psycho drives his motorcycle at 300 kilometers per hour.
Blind Magic

A magician drives blindfolded and bends keys. Whoo-pee.
Jesus Action Figure

Jesus Christ. Super star? Super HERO!
Yoda Rap

Yoda rapping. What he needs is a cool name now. Like, Y-Oddy. Something like that.
Troops Fun

Another compilation of the troops in Iraq blowing off steam.
Face Smashed On Car

Does anybody out there have any pictures of the aftermath of this? What ever happened to this guy?
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