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Cdrom Cup Holder

I'm sure that there is more than one person out there who has actually done this.
Bad Police Accident

Police run over a purse snatching suspect while trying to arrest him.
Alizee Strip Tease

Alizee does a little strip-tease move on stage. I had no idea who Alizee was before I saw this. Thank God for Google.
Kung Pao

has anyone ever seen the show, Iron Chef? Yeah, this has nothing to do with that.
Zip Strip Condom

I don't know what this is for, but I watched it over and over again for about an hour.
Lunch Tray Wipeout

Some poor guy falls down a short flight of steps while carrying his lunch.
Jamba Sucks

Umm... Yeah, your guess is as good as mine on this one.
Hit Kathy

Some guy knocks Kathy out. I wonder if Kathy survived this. Looks pretty bad.
Head Board

With friends like this, who needs enemies. This is a pretty good way to wake somebody up though.
Drop The Knife

Police show unusual restraint while dealing with a knife wielding suspect. This could have easilly ended up with someone getting killed.
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