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Crab Pot

A woman completely freaks out while trying to put live crabs into a pot. This is an old one but it cracks me up every time.
Assume The Position

Now why is that whenever I try and pull this move, I end up with mace in my eyes?
Stop It

Well. It DID say stop.
Hook Up History

I heard Bill Clinton had a few portraits of these guys in the oval office.
Knock Out Dance

A boxer gets knocked out but has the presence of mind to do a little jig for the crowd before falling over. Actually, I'm pretty sure this was all part of the knocking of the out.
Tennis Boobie Bounce

So... I'm thinking of learning to play tennis.
Panda Attack

Still think Panda bears are cute and adorable? I think they'd eat you if they got the chance.
Greatest Movie Line

One of movies' greatest lines.
Cop Automatic Fire

During a police chase, the suspects open fire on the police with automatic weapons.
Beauty School Beatdown

I hear that they're still pulling hairpins and curling irons out of this guy.
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