Did you know?... Pocahontas appeared on the back of the $20 bill in 1875.
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Really Loud Horn

Video camera + Car + really, REALLY loud horn = top notch entertainment.
Loser Lip Sync

Want to see two guys embarrass themselves? Sure you do.
Skater Compilation

Yet another skater compilation video with a little shot of some crazy homeless guy in the beginning.
Clown Down

If you're one of those people who are afraid of clowns.. this won't help.
Dislocated Sholder

Some guy dislocates his arm while playing around on a trampoline.
American Diver Gets Owned

Diver smashes her face on the end of the diving board.
Bug Storm

Thousands of insects coming out of a storm drain in the middle of a train station.
Bike Balancing

This guy is completely crazy. One wrong move and he'll be dead.
Camelspider Eats Lizard

This is really gross. A Camel Spider eats a lizard. Supposedly, these things are all over the place in Iraq.
Monkey Play

Monkeys + Crazy, long haired Japanese dude = Hilarity.
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