Did you know?... When pitched, the average Major League baseball rotates 15 times before being hit.
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Insensitive Bastard Reporter

Check out this jackass reporter who can't stop laughing at his guests, a disabled woman and a man with a very high voice.
Water Bed Prank

Yeah but the funny thing about this video is... that aint water!!! BAAAA HAAAAAA HAAAA HAAAA ha hheh heh... heh. heh. Yeah, I know. Stupid.
Underwater Nuclear Test

This one time...I farted in the bathtub. Looked JUST like this.
Break Dance Stage

A breakdancer falls off the stage while doing some spins.
Crazy Guy Run Over

Insane man runs over pedestrian before he's stopped.
Pimp My Cart

Pimp my ride, ghetto style!
Extremist Training

Extremist Training. I don't think we have to worry about killing these guys. They're doing a pretty good job of it themselves.
Quagmire Family Guy

Does it say something about me that this is my favorite charachter on The Family Guy?
2 Headed Snake

A two headed snake.
Shopping Cart Roof

Who thought that riding a shopping cart off of a roof was a good idea to begin with?
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