Did you know?... At one 'feeding', a mosquito can absorb one and a half times its own weight in blood.
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Fox Hat

Wear the fox hat. Or, in other words...
Fall From Ski Lift

Some kid falls from a ski lift.
Face Open

The worst face plant ever. Forget a bike helmet, this guy needs a hard hat and a hockey mask.
Cop Shoots Hand

A police officer shoots himself in the hand with a shotgun wile retreiving it from a roof.
Swearbear Clip 03

Here is another one from that new kids' show that is supposed to start airing some time soon. I have a hard time beleiving that parents are going to let their kids watch this but hey. It's the 21st century now, right? Anything can happen. This is just too strange.
Stern Prank Cnn

How to bring a news broadcast to a grinding halt.
More Farting Preacher

Farting Preacher 5.
Learn English

Want to learn English? This is a classic. It's been around for years but it's still hysterical.
Invade Next

Where should we invade next?! Are you kidding me? Is this for real? Are people really this stupid? Wait.. what am I saying? That's a silly question. Forget I asked that.

A real life exorcism caught on film!! Wait. Is there such a thing as a real life exorcism? Serioulsy. The first chick, in the green shirt. I get to drinking and I act almost exactly like this. And I gotta tell you. If a bunch of Russians were holding me down, I'd be pretty upset about it too. Jeeze, maybe I'm posessed.
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