Did you know?... Cattle are the only mammals that pee backwards.
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Wheelie Competition

A wheelie competition for cars? This is nuts.
Good Things

A really great Guinness commercial about some guys in a bar and some cave men and going back in time and some special effects and.... Oh, just watch. It's really good.
Girls Making Out

Ok. Move along. Nothing to see here. Nothing to see here EXCEPT FOR TWO HOT GIRLS MAKING OUT!!! YEAHH BABY!! YEAH!! God, I'm what? 14? How old am I? Why do I act like this?
Desperate Boozers

Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Huge Slip Up

A reporter slips up while commenting on a story about a 'nice cat'. Is this what the call a Freudian slip?
10 Duvels

A guy tries to drink 10 Duvels (strong beers) in 10 minutes and then stand up. Comedy ensues.
Toro Toro

What's that old saying? If you mess with the bull...? Something something? I forget. Something about a horn.
Darwin Award Winner

Some guy gets run over by his own car while performing stunts at a car show.
Bush Speechless

George Bush tries to answer a question but ends up just staring into the camera like a deer in the headlights. This has to have been edited.

Clips of people getting scared.
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