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Kick To The Face

Now this is going to leave a mark.

This man has had far too much to drink. So, let's give him some tequila so he'll make out with his pet.
Hockey Knockout Compilation

Too bad they don't really let them fight anymore.
Knock Out Kick

Rex Kwon Do.
Skydiver Hits Truck

If this was his target.. well. He hit it. Maybe just a little too hard though.
Bowling Ball Through Ceiling

No lobbing.
Knockout Compilation

Mamma said knock you out.
Building Gets Color Bombed

The quickest (not to mention the most impressive) way to paint a building.
Chair Sled Tow

All you need is an old recliner, a truck, a length of chain, lots of beer and a death wish.
My United States Of Whatever

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